
Can One Vegan Make a Difference?

Being a vegan can help better the environment as well as better your own health. Although many people do not believe that just one vegan can make a difference those vegans who are working to change the world know that every single person and thing you do makes a difference in your own life as well as in the world. It is silly to say or think that one person cannot make a difference as everyone and everything must start somewhere. William Bronchick shares just a few of the ways an individual vegan is helping to make a difference in the world.

Eating Less Meat

The less meat that is consumed means fewer animals that are harmed. If even just one individual stops eating meat it can help save many animals over time.

Buy Less Leather

By each and every individual that buys less leather or animal fashion products the fewer animals that are harmed in the making. If more people stepped out against leather and other harmful animal fashions, maybe companies all over the world would begin to change the way they make and do things.

Inspiring Others

One of the best things about being vegan is the ability to inspire others to become vegan. Once one person decides to go vegan they can often inspire their friends and loved ones to go vegan as well. It is a great way to help others realize the benefit of becoming a vegan.


Anyone can hold a protest all you need is one person to start one. That one person can bring a ton of awareness to different causes. Protesting the cruelty of animals can help shed light on the situation and also help others to get involved.

Boycott Non-Vegan Companies

Another way that vegans help to make a difference in the world is by boycotting companies that are not 100% vegan-friendly or cruelty-free. By boycotting these brands and companies it sends a message that what they are doing is not right. Even just a few less sales can make a huge difference to the poor animals that are suffering.

These are just a few of the simple contributions that even one vegan can make to the world. Every day more and more people are realizing the benefits of becoming a vegetarian and vegan. Although nowadays there are millions and millions of vegans all over the world it probably started long ago with just one single person trying to make a difference.